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We develop customized platforms for national and international clients.





Persona modelando en CAD 3D
Persona interactuando con la realidad virtual
Persona programando un sistema blockchain
Persona viendo gráficos de Big data en una tablet
Persona programando en un ordenador portátil



Oficina de ecaptureDtech

We are driven by our goal to make technology understandable and beneficial to all.

We work to universalize technology by providing accessible platforms for all. We are committed to inclusive innovation, transparency in every solution, and continuous collaboration. We value ethics, service excellence, and our passion for bringing technology closer to each user.



INMERBOT: Research in immersive and sensory technologies for collaborative industrial robotic inspection environments.


Description: INMERBOT proposes research that extends immersive and sensory technologies to improve robotic inspection in industrial and non-industrial environments. To advance the knowledge of teleoperation and management of multi-robotic systems in highly immersive environments for inspection and maintenance applications, research is needed in haptic technologies, robotics or environmental analysis using diverse sensors, as well as research in the use of artificial intelligence for mobility, defect detection and reconstruction of the environment from sensor data and vision cameras.

Objectives: To investigate collaborative dynamic robot systems that, unlike classical industrial robots, can operate in unstructured, fully dynamic and partially observable environments, enabling a new range of disruptive services and functionalities for semi-autonomous and autonomous inspection in heterogeneous environments (terrestrial and aquatic).

Research immersive environments for industrial inspection in unattended facilities (renewable energy generation plants, electrical substations, chemical treatment plants), and specifically in sectors that represent risks and complex and high-cost inspections (economic, personnel, time), facilitating the transformation and digitization of strategic sectors in Spanish industry.

Research into new sensory technologies for inclusion in robot-robot and human-robot ecosystems with advanced perception capabilities (immersive and haptic technologies, AI, environmental reconstruction, sensory capabilities, communications architectures) in order to increase and extend human inspection capabilities and promote equipment failure prediction systems, decision support, the sustainability of inspection operations, the efficient use of industrial resources, and efficiency throughout the value chain.

Research on efficient robotic inspection systems (mission resolution, task planning) that facilitate operating cost reduction for industrial plants so that they can operate unattended, promoting energy efficiency and sustainability.

Time: From October 2021 to December 2024 (39 months)

Investment: €968,102.00

Project type: National Spanish Project in cooperation with

ecaptureNextGenerationEURecuperación Transformación ResilienciaCDTI
NextGenerationEURecuperación Transformación ResilienciaCDTI


SAVIA URBANA: Cloud Platform for Analysis and Surveillance of Urban Areas.


Description: The SAVIA URBANA project will develop a technological solution in the field of urban safety and security that will allow for data analysis and assessment and will provide useful information that will help state security forces and agencies take action against crime and other potentially dangerous situations for the public (such as fires, building collapses, or any other dangerous event) through an web platform that receives multiple data from devices on the ground, processes and analyzes the data to obtain highly valuable information, offers 2D and 3D visualization via multi-layer viewers, provides alert systems, and has evidence custody based on blockchain.

Objectives: The SAVIA URBANA project’s objective is to develop and implement an Analysis and Surveillance System for Urban Areas by creating a cloud platform or standalone server service. This system will allow state security forces and agencies (FFCCSE for its Spanish acronym) to operate in urban centers through the application of analysis techniques based on Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Convolutional Neural Networks. The platform will carry out the analysis and interpretation of as any source of images or other data from sensors installed in the field and compiled in urban areas. Furthermore, this information will be added to the data stored on internal databases belonging to the FFCCSE or any other external public source, including social media.

Time: From September 2022 to May 2024 (20 months)

Investment: €1,194,532.11

Project type: National Spanish Project developed independently

Gobierno de EspañaNextGenerationEURecuperación Transformación


eyesDcar: Cloud platform that assesses vehicle damage via video images using artificial intelligence.


Description: The eyesDcar project will develop a cloud platform that can detect and inventory vehicle damage and display the vehicle in 3D on an interactive viewer.

Objectives: The project’s general objective is to develop a cloud platform that makes it possible to automatically detect and inventory vehicle damages after an accident by applying Convolutional Neural Networks to video images that any user can take with a camera or phone. The platform will also display all of the damages on a 3D model of the vehicles in the platform’s viewer, where the user will be able to see each part of the vehicle that has been affected (doors, headlights, fenders, etc.), the size or extent of the damage, the video frames that show the impact, the monetary assessment of the damages, and the best option for the repair or substitution of the affected parts, minimizing appraisal and repair costs.

Time: From October 2021 to September 2023 (24 months)

Investment: €775,502.83

Project type: National Spanish Project developed independently

Gobierno de EspañaNextGenerationEURecuperación Transformación


sv3d. 3D security and video surveillance systems based on videogrammetry.


The objective of the SV3D project is to develop an online 3D content generation system based on videogrammetry for the security sector that automatically creates 3D models of objects and environments using video recordings and makes it possible to model both static and dynamic objects and spaces with these recordings.

Scientific objectives: Advance research of digital image analysis and calibration procedures and densified 3D generation using video recordings.

Advance research on new approaches to ensure the privacy, confidentiality, integrity, traceability, auditability, and verifiability of information in a highly connected and complex context, such as the IoT (Internet of Things).

Technological objectives: Create a 3D content viewer specifically for use in surveillance and security.

Develop a 3D content generation system that uses videos recorded on any device and processes data externally (cloud environment).
Develop a 3D content generation system that works as close to real time as possible (or deferred with a short delay) and provides continuous 3D content (this could be defined as a real 3D video).

Develop an online 3D content viewing platform with editing, surveillance, and analysis tools that meet the specific requirements and needs of the security sector.

Build a 3D documentation system that is easy to use and can be accessed from any place, time, or device, and is also able to securely transfer information between organizations.
Analyze and implement a system based on blockchain technology to maintain the chain of custody of information so that it cannot be changed and its integrity is guaranteed.

Develop and configure the necessary software components to ensure the privacy, confidentiality, integrity, traceability, auditability, and verifiability of information throughout the entire process, from when it is recorded through to the processing phase.

Project partners:



MASSMOL: Interactive 3D Sales Platform with Big Data analysis of the transactions executed


Description: Massmol aims to develop a platform that makes an innovative leap forward from current e-commerce methodologies, introducing powerful and limitless possibilities for real 3D content in virtual spaces for e-commerce and its products, and to make this type of technology available for companies with fewer technical and/or economic resources. Thanks to the system’s simplicity, speed, and usability, companies will see a significant reduction in the time and costs required to create platforms to sell products and services. It also provides a significant added value: three dimensionality.

Objectives: The project’s objective is to design a complete system to create and manage 3D eCommerce platforms, enabling the next technological leap forward in eCommerce and marketplaces, while at the same time improving connections between sellers and consumers and providing a content generation tool. Sellers will gain a powerful and innovative tool for marketing and sales, while consumers will experience an improved shopping experience.

Time: From October 2020 to September 2023 (36 months)

Investment: €371,492.00

Project type: National Spanish Project developed independently



INROAD 4.0: Intelligent Roads for a 0 Vision (0 deceased, 0 injured, 0 congestion and 0 emissions)


Description: INROAD 4.0 aims to research different technologies, techniques, tools, methodologies and knowledge to optimize the entire road management cycle and the interactions between roads and users, providing an essential technological leap forward toward a 0 vision. The project will facilitate the adoption of technological solutions in the planning, engineering, construction, and use of roads, improving efficiency, road safety, the environment, and the information for users. These solutions will boost Spain’s civil engineering sector by generating new technologies and new alliances, reinforcing competitiveness at the international level, and contributing to job creation and wealth.

Objectives: The objective of InRoad 4.0 is to research different technologies, techniques, tools, methodologies and knowledge to optimize the entire road management cycle and the interactions between roads and users, providing an essential technological leap forward toward a 0 vision. The project will facilitate the adoption of technological solutions to benefit users (useful information for safer driving), road concessionaires (better road conservation and more efficient use of resources), public entities (better decision-making in road planning), and emergency services (fast and safe intervention).

Time: From October 2018 to September 2022 (48 months)

Investment: €650,266.00

Project type: National Spanish Project in cooperation with



eyesNroad: Technological development based on artificial intelligence and other enabling technologies.


Description: The project will develop an web platform that makes it possible to carry out a fast, easy, and, above all, economical assessment of the condition of the roads in Spain’s National Road Network by analyzing videos taken by a video camera with integrated GPS. To do so, it will use different technologies that exist on the market, such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Convolutional Neural Networks, Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Blockchain (IOTA – Tangle), as well as algorithms and technological developments that have been created by the company, which will be integrated into the platform to obtain the project’s expected results. The main problems associated with this type of system are related to the speed at which images are captured, the need for special on-board elements to determine where the incidents are located (GPS) and the amount of data that must be processed per minute.

Objectives: The project’s general objective is to develop an web platform with a processing cloud that makes it possible to automatically detect and inventory road conditions (potholes, cracks, unevenness), vertical and horizontal road signs, as well as traffic gantries or informational signs. It also aims to assess the condition of the lane dividing lines found on roads, all through the processing of video images with georeferenced data taken by a camera mounted on any vehicle. These videos will be analyzed by computer vision algorithms and artificial intelligence using CNN-RNA (Convolutional Neural Network), which will allow for the collection of information about their classification, identification, location, and the physical conditions that alter their functionality on the road, both during the day and at night. The degree of sign retroreflectivity will also be evaluated at night.

Time: From January 2021 to December 2021 (12 months)

Investment: €208,541.01

Project type: National Spanish Project developed independently

Gobierno de EspañaUE




CES Las Vegas 2022: Internationalization and digital transformation.


Description: Financial support for the internationalization and digital transformation of the export company from Extremadura

Amount: €6,854.00

Year of grant: 2022

Participation in international trade fairs

European Regional Development Fund

A way to build Europe



INTERTRAFFIC AMSTERDAM 2022 Attendance at international trade fair.


Description: Financial support for the internationalization and digital transformation of the export company from Extremadura

Amount: €5,615.59

Year of grant: 2022

Participation in international trade fairs

European Regional Development Fund

A way to build Europe



EXPOSEGURIDAD MÉXICO 2023 Attendance at international fair.


Description: Financial support to attend the "Exposeguridad México" International Fair in Mexico City under the provisions of Decree 141/2022 of November 30.

Amount: €9,224.71

Year of grant: April 2023





Description: Financial support to attend the “International Congress on Road Mobility and Security 2023 in Mexico” under the provisions of Decree 141/2022 of November 30.

Amount: €1,288.00

Year of grant: August 2023



MWC LAS VEGAS 2023 Attendance at international fair.


Description: Financial support to attend the “Mobile World Congress Las Vegas” International Trade Fair in Las Vegas (USA); under the provisions of Decree 141/2022 of November 30.

Amount: €2,558.00

Year of grant: September 2023